Will Giving Money to the Poor Solve the Problem of Poverty in Africa
One will ask “Will giving money to the poor help to solve the problem of poverty in Nigeria? Giving the poor money can bring great relief, it is important to note that poverty is a big deal with deep-rooted causes that needs serious tackling to terminate the reign of poverty, and this can be achieved by offering or giving money to the poor through a notable non-governmental organization In Nigeria such as Helpers Social Development Foundation. It is worthy to provide financial aid to those living in poverty in Nigeria, but giving money to poor Nigerians is not a sustainable solution to the issue of poverty.
Empowering talented Nigerians with the skills they needed is the best approach to building a sustainable future for all. Poverty is a state or condition in which one lacks the financial resources and essentials for a certain standard of living.
Poverty is a great challenge in Nigeria, seriously affecting a significant number of its citizens. In the recent World Bank report, Poverty is calculated by the number of people living below $1.90 per day. It is an issue that has multiple areas to be addressed as to the cause. Poverty cannot be properly understood and the cause aired due to the fact that it can be linked to multiple natures of the problem.
According to Highlights of the United Nations publications on the 2022 Multidimensional Poverty Index, there are about 63% of persons living in Nigeria (133 million people) are multidimensionally poor.
Causes of Poverty in Nigeria
It is of great importance also to look into the numerous causes of poverty in Nigeria and then work towards seeking or sourcing the possible solution to these causes that will eventually curb the problem of poverty in Nigeria. The world Bank report, there is a slow growth rate as well as low human capital which blocks the poverty reduction in Nigeria. Giving Money to Poor Nigerians will help them to escape poverty.
5 issues Affecting Nigeria’s Growth in Nigeria and How to prevent by giving money
1. Poor Education and classroom funding
In Nigeria, many citizens have limited access to quality education, which is one of the prominent factors contributing to poverty in this country. In the United Nations report, One out of every five out of school children is in Nigeria. In most rural parts of Nigeria, children are marginalized and these children lack access to schools and educational materials.
This education factor creates a mighty gap and limits the opportunity of these out-of-school children from getting some required knowledge and insight into so many things about life. Poor classroom funding and lack of a conducive environment for learning in public schools contributed to children dropping out of school in Nigeria. This particular problem can be averted by giving equal opportunity to all children to get good skills and knowledge needed to help them break free from the circle of poverty.
2. Inadequate access to health services
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 aims to promote good health, especially in poor nations like Nigeria. Lack of healthcare equipment and services also plays a massive role in Nigeria’s poverty issue. A lot of Nigerians find it so hard to have access to good healthcare services, leading to many preventable sicknesses and possible deaths. Most of our government-owned hospitals and health centers lack the provision of good healthcare amenities, and supervision to monitor the activities of health workers.
Workers in government-owned hospitals franchise poor Nigerians the opportunities to access free medical care because the majority of government own hospitals have taken the facilities as their private business. Some families in Nigeria who tried to go to private hospitals to get these good healthcare services can push them into poverty because most Nigerians are in the middle class and any small expenses move them downwards towards poverty. So initiating investments in the government healthcare sector and health education with proper supervision of staff can improve Nigeria as a country and also reduce the incidence of death in Nigeria,
Read more on Helpers Social Development Foundation Website